We teach our kids that honesty is the best policy, right? Because it is. But sometimes that little white lie comes in handy. I’m guilty of telling my kid, “Oh, no… this is super spicy,” in reference to the ice cream bar I was attempting to eat in secret or regretfully saying, “Sorry sweetie, that’s broken,” in reference to the annoying little coin-operated race car outside of Walmart (you know the one). So, I throw out the occasional white lie to make life with kids a little easier on myself.
There are thousands of articles written by “experts” that will tell you how to manage your pregnancy, birth and the early years with your child. Just spend five minutes on the internet and you can read all about how the breast is best and that you’re not giving your child the best shot at successful adulthood if you don’t wear him strapped to your chest for 100 hours a day.
You know the phrase “Mom knows best?” You do, so stop worrying about what you’re not doing or what someone else has to say about it. You’re doing fine.